Yesterday, when Daddy dropped Handsome off Handsome was still in his Jammies. Daddy said that Handsome refused to put clothes on that morning. I understood, sometimes 3 year old's can be very head strong. Several times during the day I also encouraged Handsome to get dressed. I too received an adamant NO sprinkled with a bit of whine. I have learned a long time ago to choose my battles. That's what I love about a home setting verses a day care center. I want my little one's to view my home as their second home, to be very comfortable here just like at home. So if Handsome wants to spend a day in his Jammies and we don't have plans to go anywhere I'm fine with that.
We made a cup aquarium which involved lots of Handsome's favorite craft material GLUE. You know little boys the messier the better. Handsome is going to have to keep a close eye on this craft because Baby Boy really thought it was cool and bee lined for it every time Handsome put it down.
Painting his cup with glue, |
Finished Aquarium. |